Rosa Aurora
Origin: Portugal
Type: Marble
Macroscopic Description
Rock with granoblastic texture and slightly deformed as is clearly shown by the cleavage lines of the calcite grains
Petrographic Description
Whitish-yellow marble with white rosy brownish and, sometimes, greyish small veins. Medium grained.
Physico-Mechanical Properties
- Compression Breaking Load: 872 Kg/cm2
- Compression Breaking Load after Freezing Test: 950 Kg/cm2
- Bending Strength: 179 Kg/cm2
- Volumetric Weight: 2717 Kg/m3
- Water Absorption: 0,06%
- Apparent Porosity: 0,16%
- Thermal Linear Expansion Coefficient: 7,3 (10^6 per ºC)
- Abrasion Test: 3,7 mm
- Impact Test: 52,5 cm
Chemical Properties
- Al2O3: 0,56%
- CaO: 54,37%
- Fe2O3: 0,12%
- K2O: 0,15%
- MgO: 0,62%
- Na2O: 0,05%
- P. R.: 43,25%
- SiO2: 0,89%
Microscopical Properties
- Calcite: 99%
- Others: 1%